Apie nacionalinę duomenų bazę



The National Printing House (Εθνικό Τυπογραφείο) is the public service for the dissemination of Greek law.

It is a technical production unit responsible for publishing and distributing the government gazette (ΦΕΚ, the Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic).

The National Printing House is part of the Ministry of the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation.

The website of the National Printing House provides free access to all 13 series (τεύχη) of the Greek Official Journal (ΦΕΚ).

For the following series, only a summary of the texts is available:

  • Series A (τεύχος Α): laws, presidential decrees, communications, acts of the Ministerial Council, etc. By way of exception, the full text of series A of the current year has been authorised since 6 April 2005;
  • Series B (τεύχος Β): ministerial and prefectural decisions of a regulatory nature;
  • Series D (τεύχος Δ): decrees and decisions concerning urban planning and town design;
  • Public and private limited companies (Α.Ε. και Ε.Π.Ε.): acts relating to the creation and management of public and private limited companies;
  • Development acts and agreements (Αναπτυξιακών Πράξεων και Συμβάσεων): acts relating to regional planning;
  • Public works contracts (Διακηρύξεις Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων): tendering and public procurement;
  • Bulletin on commercial and industrial property (Δελτίο Εμπορικής και Βιομηχανικής Ιδιοκτησίας): trademark and patent registration.

For the following series, free access to all texts will be available as of 2001:

  • Series C (τεύχος Γ): acts relating to government officials, decorations and presidential pardons;
  • Legal persons governed by public law (Νομικών Προσώπων Δημοσίου Δικαίου): acts relating to appointments, transfers and resignations of members of the clergy, public undertakings, associations, etc.;
  • Annex (Παράρτημα): publication of the results of civil service entrance examinations and lottery draws;
  • Special Supreme Court (Ανωτάτου Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου): court decisions;
  • ASEP announcements (Προκηρύξεις Ανωτάτου Συμβουλίου Επιλογής Προσωπικού): vacancies in the Supreme Council for Personnel Selection (ASEP);
  • Political party financing and coalitions (Οικονομικών των Πολιτικών Κομμάτων και Συνασπισμών Πολιτικών Κομμάτων): reports on the accounts of the political parties.

To gain access to the full texts of each series, a subscription must be purchased.All the ΦΕΚ series dating back to 1994 are available on-line.

In addition to the government gazette, the website of the National Printing House also provides access to:

  • texts concerning legal proceedings (legislative proposals, amendments, minutes of parliamentary committee meetings, etc.);
  • the Permanent Legislative Code, a continually updated publication which presents a codified version of current legislation. The Permanent Legislative Code comprises laws, presidential decrees, interministerial decisions and acts of the Ministerial Council;
  • a number of publications for the general public and other printed material used by the various government services.

Legal acts

The website of the Hellenic National Printing House provides access to the 13 series of the Greek Official Journal.


  • laws: written legal instruments established by the Parliament and the President of the Republic in accordance with the appropriate constitutional procedure.
  • presidential decrees: instruments of general and impersonal application enacted by the President of the Republic.
  • regulatory acts of the Council of ministers: these are administrative acts adopted by the Ministers meeting within the Council establishing impersonal laws;
  • decisions of the Monetary Committee: the Monetary Committee is responsible for the national monetary policy of the Greek Central Bank.
  • agreements between the Greek government and natural or legal persons: these are agreements between the State and individuals, businesses, associations, unions, local authorities, public bodies, etc. with a view to establishing laws or settling conflicts of interest;
  • agreements and conventions with third countries;
  • regulatory provisions;
  • acts of the “Holy Synod of the Greek Church”: the administration system of the Greek Orthodox Church.


Regulatory decisions taken by the Ministers or other administrative bodies.


  • notices of appointment, resignation and transfer of civil servants;
  • presidential decrees concerning the award of medals, pardons or the lifting of certain sentences.


  • notices of compulsory expropriations and of compensation paid to the owners of land or real estate that has to be expropriated;
  • acts relating to the definition of the coastline, beach areas, industrial parks, national forests, forestry land and reforestation and all acts relating to urban legislation.

Series concerning legal persons governed by public law (Νομικών Προσώπων Δημοσίου Δικαίου)

Notices of appointment, resignation and transfer of civil servants.

Annex series (Παράρτημα)

  • announcements of vacancies in institutions of higher education;
  • the results of civil service entrance examinations;
  • national lottery tables.

Public and private limited companies series (Α.Ε. και Ε.Π.Ε.)

The statutes, reports and other publications that concern public and private limited liability companies.

Series of the Special Supreme Court ( Ανωτάτου Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου)

The final decisions of the Court, whose role it is to verify legal provisions related to the Constitution (Constitutional Council).

Development acts and agreements series (Αναπτυξιακών Πράξεων και Συμβάσεων)

Agreements referred to in the laws governing regional and economic development.

Announcements by the ASEP (Supreme Council for Personnel Selection) series, (Προκηρύξεις Ανωτάτου Συμβουλίου Επιλογής Προσωπικού)

Vacancies held by the Supreme Council for Personnel Selection (authority responsible for the recruitment of civil servants).

Public works contracts series (Διακηρύξεις Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων)

The invitations to tender issued by government food committees. “Food inspection authority”.

Bulletin on commercial and industrial property (Δελτίο Εμπορικής και Βιομηχανικής Ιδιοκτησίας)

Industrial and commercial trademarks and also of patents.

Political party financing and coalitions series (Οικονομικών των Πολιτικών Κομμάτων και Συνασπισμών Πολιτικών Κομμάτων)

The special reports on the electoral income and expenditure of the political parties.