Organisation responsible for the website/database: Library of the Congress of the United States of America
Description of the site: The "Guide to Law Online" was prepared by the Law Library of Congress of the USA and is a guide to sources of information on government and law available online. It includes selected links to sites for legal information concerning US legislation, legislation of international organisations and all third countries. For most countries, links to Government or Parliament websites are provided as well as links to other websites where useful information on the legislation of the country can be found.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Parliament of the Republic of Albania
Nature: Official site of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania
Description of the site: The site is available in English, but by clicking on "Rules" we gain access only to the Constitution and a description of the rules of the Parliament. Further, selected Acts of Parliament are available only in Albanian. The official site of the government is also available in English and provides access to the sites of the ministries. Some legal information is available also at, which is the official site of the "People's Advocate".
Organisation responsible for the website/database: National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
Nature: Official site of the National Assembly (Parliament) of the Republic of Armenia
Description of the site: The site provides access to the legislation adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. Legislation is listed in thematic and alphabetical order. English and Russian versions of the texts (unofficial translations) are available, translated by Chemonics International Inc. under the USAID/Armenia Rule of Law - Commercial Law Project. Texts are available in their full form as they were adopted, both in consolidated forms and the amendments separately as well. Texts can be downloaded in .pdf format. International agreements concluded by the Republic of Armenia are available from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Lower level legislation (only in Armenian) is available from the websites of the line ministries. Links to these are provided on the website of the government (
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Nature: Official site of the Parliament of Azerbaijan
Description of the site: Under the heading "quanunlar" national legislation in force starting from 2002 is available in the Azeri language. Full text of the laws as they were adopted is published. The Constitution of the Republic is available also in English (
Organisation responsible for the website/database: National Centre of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus
Nature: Official legal portal
Description of the site: Besides other legal information, this portal provides access to English translations of more than 100 laws. There is also a link to the Belarus Legislation Databank "ETALON", which is a full-text search system containing legal acts issued by the President, Parliament, Government, National Bank, ministries, Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Economic Court, and international treaties. The on-line version of the Belarus Legislation Databank contains the complete set of laws of the Republic of Belarus, acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Government's decisions (only in Russian and Belarusian language). Main legal acts are available there free of charge.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nature: Official website
Description of the site: The site is available in four languages: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and English. Register contains texts of legislation adopted at different levels of authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina and their translation into English. The Register may be searched by title or by the number of the official gazette.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Parliament of the Republic of Georgia
Nature: Official site of the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia
Description of the site: The web portal was developed by UNDP Georgia (NCTeam) and funded by the EU. The site provides access in English to the Constitution of Georgia and the international acts concluded by Georgia. Other sources of law are available only in Georgian. Full texts of the laws are available in the form in which they were adopted by the Parliament.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs
Nature: Official website of the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs
Description of the site: This is the website where all the most important legislative data and source such as law and regulations, judgments, administrative rulings, international conventions and the judgments of international courts may be found. The site allows access also to administrative conclusions. The web-site is owned and managed by the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs. It is accessible to the public and free of charge. Some of the laws as well as the Constitution are available in English and Danish (one law is available in French and Spanish as well), but most of the information is in Icelandic only. In the Icelandic version, there are links to the websites of the Official Gazette Stjórnartíðindi: (, which has been electronically published since November 2005, but also available as a pdf. file since 2001 (section C since 1995). It is accessible to the public and free of charge. There is also a link to the Official Journal Lögbirtingablað (, which has been available in electronic form since July 2005, but has also been available in pdf. format since 2001. Initially accessible to the public free of charge, but since September 1st 2006 it has only been available for paying subscribers. A printed version is available on the homepage as a pdf free of charge, but if sent to the subscriber, a charge is made for distribution and printing. Furthermore, there is a link to a collection of all regulations in force ( as they appeared in the Official Gazette. It is accessible to the public and free of charge.
Non-authentic consolidated versions of the laws can be found on the Parliaments website ( under the heading "Lagasafn". This collection was first opened in 1995, is updated 2-3 times a year and free of charge.
The Government portal ( offers links to the Ministries and other offices and access to the full text of the Constitution (in English). The website of the Supreme Court ( provides free access to judgements since 1999.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Office of the Prime Minister
Description of the site: The Official Journal is prepared by the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo in four languages and is a guide to sources of information on government and law available online. It includes selected links to sites for legal information concerning Kosovo legislation, international agreements, acts of municipalities, and decisions of the Constitutional Court.
For more information about the legislative process in Kosovo, the Parliament website provides useful information on the draft legislation of Kosovo. It is available in three languages.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Nature: Official site of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Description of the site: The site is available in Moldovan, French, English and Russian including the search function in these languages. The texts of the laws themselves are available only in Moldovan. Texts of the Acts are in their non-consolidated form as they were adopted by the Parliament. Selected "Government Legal Framework" is also available on the official site of the government ( in .pdf format in English (unofficial translation). The websites of the line ministries can also be accessed from here (only in Moldovan). A search engine for consolidated versions of the laws (in Moldovan) is available under the heading "Legislation of Republic of Moldova" (
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Parliament of Montenegro
Nature: Official website of the Parliament of Montenegro
Description of the site: The site is available only in Montenegrin. Under "usvojeni zakoni" the official text of the Acts of Parliament adopted as from 2002 may be accessed. Bills pending before the Parliament are available under "predlozi zakona".
The site of the Ministry of Justice ( provides access to the unofficial English translation of selected Acts of Montenegro. A wider range of legislation is available in Montenegrin.
The National Gazette of Montenegro is available under The titles of the laws published may be read free of charge but the full official text is available only upon subscription. The on line archive of the Gazette dates back to 1998 and contains the titles of the laws published.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of the Republic of North Macedonia
Nature: Official website of the Government of North Macedonia
Description of the site: The site is available in Macedonian only. Under 'sluzben vesnik' it provides access to the official version of the National Gazette. The websites of the line ministries, on which lower level legislation can be found, are also accessible.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Lovdata foundation of the Ministry of Justice
Nature: Legal database operated by a non-profit government organisation
Description of the site: The site was launched in May 1995 with the purpose of making legal information available to as wide a circle as possible. Due to the continual developments it now covers the Legal Gazette, statutes in force, regulations of the central and local authorities, Supreme Court and Appellate Court decisions and compulsory and non- compulsory acts of the Parliament. The full texts of all these acts are available upon a monthly charge of NOK 710. The following services however are available free of charge: the official version of the Legal Gazette, unofficial consolidated versions of all statutes and regulations, and new decisions by the Supreme and Appellate Courts.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Russian President
Nature: Official website of the Russian President
Description of the site: The left hand side of the screen offers possibilities of access to official documents, such as the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (official text in different formats, together with the texts of the Constitution of the former Soviet Union). The heading "Federal Constitutional Laws" provides for search possibilities among codes, federal laws, orders and regulations. Full texts of the laws are available in non-consolidated versions. The website is available in Russian and English. However, the content of the English version is restricted to the Constitution and some additional information. Another interesting website is the portal, which provides access to the official websites of the most important Russian authorities and the regions.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Serbian Parliament
Nature: Official website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
Description of the site: The site contains the official English translation of the Constitution in .pdf format. The Serbian language site of the Parliament gives access to all the Acts of Serbia adopted since 2001 in their official version as published in the National Gazette (Sluzbeni Glasnik). These Acts can be downloaded in .pdf or in Word format free of charge.
The site of the Ministry of Justice (, which is also available in English, provides access to the draft Acts to be submitted to the Parliament together with Acts which fall within the competences of the Ministry, for some of which also an English translation is provided.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Swiss Federal Government
Nature: Official website of the Swiss Federal Government
Description of the site: Besides the Swiss Federal Constitution all federal laws, regulations lower level federal laws in force may be found here dating back to 1998. Official and classified federal law compilations and a collection of sectoral agreements are also available from the site. The Swiss Federal Official Gazette and the Official Gazette of Commerce can be also accessed. As far as court decisions are concerned the practice of the administrative authorities is available at, that of the Federal Penal Court at, and of the Federal Supreme Court at All these texts are authentic and available free of charge.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Turkish Government
Nature: Official website of the Official Gazette
Description of the site: The website provides access to all legal texts that have been adopted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly and ratified by the President of the Republic, and thereafter published in the Official Gazette. They can also be accessed at the Prime Ministry's website ( in Turkish language. Furthermore all draft laws can be accessed not only from this website, but also from the Ministry of Justice ( website. All these websites, which are open to the public free of charge, also contain texts of decree laws, regulations, circulars, court decisions, etc. On the Parliament's website (, the constitution is also available in English language.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Ukrainian Government
Nature: Official site of the Ukrainian Government
Description of the site: The site provides access to government documents of different type under the heading the database "Laws of Ukraine". A search engine on the basis of search words and expressions is also provided for. The texts are in Ukrainian, but summaries of the most important pieces of legislation are also provided for in English. The full text of the constitution is also available (under the heading "Parliamentarism in the Ukraine").
Organisation responsible for the website/database: The National Archives on behalf of HM Government
URL: (link is external)
Nature: All UK legislation
Description of the site:
The original (as enacted) and revised versions of legislation on are published by and under the authority of the Controller of HMSO (in her capacity as The Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament, and Government Printer of Northern Ireland) and the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
The revised versions of legislation held on this site are maintained by the legislation editorial team at The National Archives and the staff of the Northern Ireland Statutory Publications Office – part of the Office of the Legislative Counsel in Northern Ireland within the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister.
The Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland (OQPS) provides access to Acts of the Scottish Parliament, Scottish statutory instruments and a range of other legislation applying to Scotland. It also delivers a range of services to the public, information industry and government relating to the re-use of information created by the Scottish Government, the devolved government for Scotland. The Queen's Printer for Scotland, who is appointed under section 92 of the Scotland Act 1998, reports to the Scottish Ministers.
Direct search in
Organisation responsible for the website/database: General Secretariat of the Government
Nature: Official website
Description of the site: The site provides a free-of-charge access to the Official Journal of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria as from 1962 onward until the present day. The official text of the legislation is available in French and Arabic and can be downloaded in .pdf format. The services available on the site are the following: consultation of the Constitution, direct access to published issues of the Official Journals, researching by subject of all texts published in the Official Journal (data updated every Wednesday), and references to other publications issued by the General Secretariat of the Government. Consolidated versions of the codifications are also available.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Egyptian Parliament
Nature: Official website of the Egyptian Parliament
Description of the site:The website provides access to the Constitution in English and French translations as well as in Arabic. The texts of the laws are available only in Arabic. Most of the ministries have their websites as well, but the information is available only in Arabic.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Israeli Parliament (Knesset)
Nature: Official website
Description of the site: The website of the Knesset provides for access to the basic laws of the country and some selected other laws in official English translation under the heading 'law'.
Basic information on the legal system of Israel in English language is also available at under 'Government '> 'law' where basic laws, legal issues and selected laws can be found in unofficial English translations as well as a search engine for the bilateral agreements concluded by Israel. Other ministry sites also provide for access to the legislation of the field concerned in unofficial English translations.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Lebanese Parliament
Nature: Official website of the Lebanese Parliament
Description of the site: The French version of this site contains a translation of the Constitution. The Arabic version seems to contain further information on legislation as well.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of the Kingdom of Morocco
Nature: Official website of the Moroccan Ministry of Justice
Description of the site: The main page of the site is available in English French and Arabic, but while being more comprehensive than the English version, the French version does not cover all the content of the Arabic version.
The heading 'legislation' provides access to the Constitution in three languages, and to 'codes réglementaires' which include among others an unofficial French translation of extracts from the Family Code, the Commercial Code, the Labour Code, the Company Code, the Act on Copyrights, etc.Further information materials are available in all three languages on court procedures, organisation of the judiciary, etc.
The site offers an entry possibility to a the page 'e-justice' which provides electronic access to the commercial tribunals of Casa, Rabat, Agadir, Marrakech, Fez, Meknes, Oujda, Tanger and to the first instance courts of Anfa and Rabat and to the commercial appeal courts. The different forms used in judicial and extrajudicial proceedings at these courts can also be downloaded. Detailed instructions on how to fill in the forms, and basic information on judicial competences can also be found here. It furthermore offers a practical guide to the Family Code as well. However, the site emphasizes that these data are not official and are only for information purposes.
Selected consolidated legislation in French and Arabic language can also be found on the website of the Secrétariat Général du Gouvernement ( This website also provides access to the official gazette as from 1912, which is also available in an official French translation.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: National Portal of Legal Information
Nature: Official website of the Tunisian Legislation
Description of the site: The National Portal of Legal Information is a trilingual portal (Arabic, French and English), it includes legislative and regulatory texts published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia since 1956.
The portal offers free access to information, quick browse and search in different sections as the Constitution, Circulars, Codes in force as well as International Conventions and Treaties. Besides, it provides the access to draft-laws submitted to legislative power and draft-texts subject of public consultation.
The portal also provides access to further information through other links specific to legislation, for instance “the Assembly of the People’s Representatives”, “Jurisprudence” and other useful legal links.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Australian Government, Attorney-General's Department
Nature: Legal information website of the Australian Government
Description of the site: The Federal Register of Legislation (the Legislation Register) is the authorised whole-of-government website for Commonwealth legislation and related documents. It contains the full text and details of the lifecycle of individual laws and the relationships between them.
The Legislation Register is managed by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel in accordance with the Legislation Act 2003.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: New Zealand Parliament Counsel Office
Nature: Official website of the New Zealand Government
Description of the site: The website provides free public access to up-to-date (consolidated) versions of legislation, including Acts and Statutory Regulations currently in force. Amendment Acts and amendment Regulations are provided in all cases from 1999 onwards. Amendment Acts and amendment Regulations from 1997 and 1998 are also provided, but usually in summary format. In general, amendment Acts and amendment Regulations before 1997 are not provided. Acts repealed and Regulations revoked after 4 September 2007 are available on this website. Legislation repealed or revoked before this date is not generally available, with certain exceptions. Superseded versions of current Acts and Regulations, dating back to 4 September 2007, are retained on the website. The electronic versions provided on the website have no official status, but are intended to become the official source of New Zealand legislation in the future.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of Canada
Nature: Official site of the Canadian Government
Description of the site: This fully bilingual (English/French) site provides consolidated federal Acts and
regulations. As of June 1, 2009, all consolidated Acts and regulations are "official", meaning that they can be
used for evidentiary purposes.
The site's features include:
The site also provides access to helpful research resources and links to other related Web sites.
Under 'constitutional texts' the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in .pdf format are available under related resources, the heading 'Case Law' provides access to federal and provincial case law (maintained by the Canadian Legal Information Institute). Furthermore the user can choose between Parliamentary bills, information on legislation (Legis Info), and the Canada Gazette.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Library of the Congress of the United States of America
Description of the site: Congress established its Law Library in 1832, recognizing its need for ready access to reliable legal materials. The Law Library has grown over the years to become the world’s largest law library, with a collection of over 2.65 million volumes spanning the ages and covering virtually every jurisdiction in the world.
With approximately 2.65 million volumes, the Law Library’s collection of primary and secondary sources constitutes the largest legal collection in the world.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Argentinean Government
Nature: Official website of the Argentinean official gazette
Description of the site: The site contains legal provisions in their official versions as adopted from 1893. It is available to the public on a subscription basis. Accession to the legal provisions on the day of their publication is free of charge.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Bolivian Government
Nature: Official website of the Bolivian Government
Description of the site: The site provides a free of charge access to the non-official version of the laws as from 1997 and to the decrees as from 2003.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Brazilian Federal Government
Nature: Official website of the Brazilian Government
Description of the site: The site provides access to the Brazilian Constitution, Codes, laws, decrees, law decrees and federal level consolidated legislation as well. The site is available free of charge as are the following sites: (Senado Federal website), (Câmara dos Deputados website).
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Chilean Government
Nature: Official website of the Chilean official gazette
Description of the site: The site provides access to legislative provisions in their official versions as from 1985 on a subscription basis. Access free of charge is permitted to summaries of legislation as from January 2006, as well as to a monthly index of legislation published as from April 1998, and a separate index of laws going back to 1998.
Searchable consolidated legislation is available on the website of the Biblioteca del Congresso Nacional de Chile (
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Colombian Government
Nature: Official website of the Colombian official gazette
Description of the site: The site provides a free-of-charge access to the laws in .html format in their official version as from 1999.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Costa Rican Government
Nature: Official website of the Costa Rican official gazette
Description of the site: The site provides access to the laws of the country as published in the Official Gazette. The laws are available in .pdf format, the use of the site is free of charge. The Legislative Assembly provides for access to consolidated versions of national legislation.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Cuban Government
Nature: Official website of the Cuban Government
Description of the site: The site provides access to the adopted Cuban legislation in their form as they appear in the Official Gazette. The most important Codes, like the Civil Code or the Penal Code are also available in their updated versions. The site provides direct access to the Official Gazettes of other Latin American countries. The Cuban Parliament ( also has its websites with selected pieces of legislation.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Dominican Parliament
Nature: Official website of the Dominican Government
Description of the site: ''Masterlex'' legislative site provides free of charge access to legislation as published in the official gazette.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Ecuadorian Parliament
Nature: Official website of the Ecuadorian Parliament
Description of the site: The site provides access to the laws of Ecuador as they were published in the official gazette. However, only a limited number of recent laws can be found. All issues of the official gazette dating back to 2000 as well as consolidated versions of important laws can be found on, part of the website of La Hora, an Ecuadorian newspaper.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of El Salvador
Nature: Official website of the Government of El Salvador
Description of the site: The site provides access to the front pages of the Official Gazettes with the numbers and titles of the laws adopted. The text itself of the adopted legislation, however, is not available free of charge, but the site refers to the possibilities how to obtain them on a payment basis. The site of the Legislative Assembly ( also provides for the same kind of limited access.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Guatemalan Parliament
Nature: Official website of the Guatemalan Parliament
Description of the site: Under the heading "Decretos", the site contains laws as published in the official gazette.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Parliament of Honduras
Nature: Official website of the Parliament of Honduras
Description of the site: The site provides access to legislation as published in the official gazette. The codices are provided under a separate link, and while being kept in the unconsolidated version, footnotes indicate amendments, which are also easily accessible. The website of the Poder Judicial contains consolidated versions of important pieces of legislation as well as case law of the Supreme Court.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Mexican Government
Nature: Official website of the Mexican Government
Description of the site: This website, also accessible via a link from the Government's main website (, provides for legal information on federal legislation and links to State legislation. There is a link to the Federal and State official gazettes, where the legislation in their official form can be found. In the center of the website, directly under "Ambito Federal", a list of consolidated federal legislation can be opened. Links to the States are provided, where State legislation may be found. There is also a link to "Normateca", which features a search engine for consolidated versions of federal legislation.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Nicaraguan Government
Nature: Official website of the Nicaraguan Government
Description of the site: The site provides access to all national legislation as from 1933, and offers several search possibilities in the database. Courts have their own websites as well ( with user friendly information about the functioning and powers of the different courts. A map with the territorial and material competences of courts is also available.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Parliament of Panama
Nature: Official website of the Parliament of Panama
Description of the site: The site gives access to the Official Gazette, and to its on line database called 'legispan' where all national legislation is available as from 1903. The electronic version of the Official Gazette is considered the official version as from 3.7.2006. These documents can also be found directly under the Official Gazette website ( The site of the Ministry of Justice ( also provides descriptive legal information to the public.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Paraguayan Parliament
Nature: Official website of the Paraguayan Parliament
Description of the site: The site provides access to the websites of the Cámara des Senadores and the Cámara des Diputados as well as to "Sistema de Información Legislativa" (SIL). SIL contains bills, other documents of Parliament and the laws enacted in the last few years and is still under construction. The website of Cámara des Senadores gives access to "Digesto Legislativo" where Paraguay legislation can be found as published in the official gazette, listed by legal areas. The site of Cámara de Diputados also contains a heading "Leyes". There is a link to the Poder Judicial as well ( where selected judgements of the Supreme Court can be found.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Peruvian Parliament
Nature: Official website of the Peruvian Parliament
Description of the site: Under the heading "Archivo Digital de la Legislación en el Perú", this website provides access to the legislation as it was published in the official journal.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Uruguayan Parliament
Nature: Official website of the Uruguayan Parliament
Description of the site: Under the heading "Leyes", this website provides access to the legislation as it was published in the official gazette. Under the heading "Varios" it provides access to the Constitution and to consolidated versions of some important laws.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Venezuelan Supreme Court
Nature: Official website of the Venezuelan Supreme Court
Description of the site: The site provides a free of charge access to the laws adopted as from 2000 as they were published in the official gazette (searchable only by number) as well as a selection of consolidated versions of laws.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Angolan Government
Nature: Official website of the Angolan Government
Description of the site: The site gives searchable access to selected legislation. There is a portal to other authorities like the Parliament or the Supreme Court, which is still under construction. The Angolan Bar Association has its unofficial site ( which provides access to those selected laws of the country which are important from the point of view of functioning of the courts and advocates. It has a restricted part which is available for registered advocates only with password.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Parliament of Cape Verde
Nature: Official website of the Cape Verde
Description of the site: The site of the parliament contains the text of the Constitution and some selected laws.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of Republic of Djibouti
Nature: Official website of the Republic of Djibouti
Description of the site: The electronic Official Journal (eJO) platform provides access to all official legal documents, such as laws promulgated by the Head of State, as well as decrees and orders. The website contains legal documents dating back to 1977 and is currently being updated to include all official journals published since 1901. These documents may also include legal opinions from the courts, more specifically the Supreme Court, as well as individual measures that are part of our daily lives. These individual measures are acts of recruitment, appointments, advancement, change of status, and also retirement, which constitute the daily lives of executives, agents, civil servants, contract workers and military personnel who work for the public authorities throughout their working lives.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Kenyan Government
Nature: Official site of the Kenyan National Council of Law Reporting
Description of the site: The National Council for Law Reporting is a corporate body established by the National Council for law Reporting Act, 1994 and given the exclusive mandate of "publication of the reports to be known as the Kenyan Law Reports which shall contain judgments, rulings and opinions of the Superior Courts of record and also undertake such other publications as in the opinion of the Council are reasonably related to or connected with the preparation and publication of the Kenya Law Reports" (section 3). The website contains consolidated versions of Kenyan laws, the Kenya Gazette and other legal notices.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of Mozambique
Nature: Official website of the Government of Mozambique
Description of the site: The site contains the Constitution and provides access to the Official Gazette which is available in .pdf format as from 2006. It offers sectoral search possibilities for other legislation as well.
Organization responsible for the website/database: National Assembly of Niger
Nature: Official site of the National Assembly of Niger
Description of the site: The site provides access to the Constitution and some laws as well as the denomination of all laws adopted by the Assembly as from 2000 (without possibility to access the content of these laws).
Organization responsible for the website/database: National Assembly of Federal Republic of Nigeria
Nature: Official site of the Nigerian Assembly
Description of the site: The website provides access to bills, order papers, and votes and proceedings.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of Senegal
Nature: Official site of the Government of Senegal
Description of the site: When clicking on "textes officiels" more headings appear which, inter alia, provide access to 11 codes and the Constitution in consolidated versions. The database "textes officiels" states that it is still under construction and contains only the most recent peaces of legislation. Once fully operable, it should provide searchable access to legislation of Senegal. The site contains a warning that only the version as published in the Official Gazette can be considered as official.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of South Africa
Nature: Official website of the South African Government
Description of the site: The heading 'documents' provides access to documents for public comment, the Constitution, Acts, Bills, notices, Regulations, White Papers, Green Papers, tenders, Parliamentary documents, annual reports, provincial documents, other documents, international reports, and official forms. All laws are available in .pdf format, in their official form as they were published in the Official Gazette. Laws date back to 1993 and, can be accessed on a yearly basis, on the basis of the subject matter or with the help of a search engine.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Afghanistan Ministry of Justice
Nature: Official site of Ministry of Justice
Description of the site: The site provides access to a "Search of the Laws", which is available in Pashtu/Dari only. The Constitution should be available in English translation as well.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: National People's Congress
Nature: Official site of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China
Description of the site: The site provides a "Laws & Regulations Database" giving access to English full text versions of legislation. There is a full text search facility as well as a search system by category.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Courts informatics Division, National Informatics Centre, Indian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Nature: Official site
Description of the site: The site contains the India Code Information System which includes consolidated versions of all Central Acts of Parliament right from 1836 onwards. Links are also made to the Judgement Information system (JUDIS) consisting of the Judgments of the Supreme Court of India and several High Courts.
There are also links to the websites of the Indian Parliament - the Lok Sabha ( and the Rajya Sabha ( - where Bills pending can be found. Links to websites of the State Parliaments are provided as well, where State legislation may be found.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: The House of Representatives
Nature: Official site
Description of the site: While the English version of the website is only descriptive and provides only for limited information, the Indonesian version seems to offer a search engine for legislation.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Japanese Ministry of Justice
Nature: Official site of the Japanese Ministry of Justice
Description of the site: The English version of the website of the Ministry of justice provides access to the Japanese Law Translation system. The main features of this homepage are approximately 200 translated laws(with consecutive additions to be added hereafter) and a standard bilingual dictionary, which includes translation rules and standardized legal terms with English translations and examples. All of the features and information of this website are available free of charge. The website can be viewed in either Japanese or English. In addition, various easy-to-use functions are available, such as: legal search mechanisms classified by names of laws, legal provisions, and fields of law; a searchable dictionary; and a keyword in context search. Furthermore, the data regarding the translated laws can be viewed and downloaded as Notepad, PDF, and Word Processor files.
The website of the Library of the Diet (Japanese Parliament) provides access to an Index Database to Japanese Laws Regulations and Bills (in Japanese only), where you can search Japanese laws and regulations promulgated in and after 1886 and also bills introduced to the Diet since 1947 (not full text). It provides dates of amendment, dates of abolition, etc. concerning the laws and regulations, the progress of the Diet's deliberations and links to the minutes (Japanese only). There are also links to the websites of the Parliament and the official gazette. The House of Councillors ( provides an English translation of the Constitution and other selected laws. The Supreme Court of Japan has its own website (, where selected judgements of this court are included.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Nature: Official website
Description of the site: The site provides access to Jordanian legislation ("Jordanian Legal System") which is available only in Arabic language.
The Constitution and the National Charter are accessible in English on the website of King Abdullah II (, other important documents under
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Attorney General's Chambers
Nature: Official website
Description of the site: The website is a legal research tool which offers access to the full consolidated text of all current Acts of Singapore. Updated on a monthly basis, the service is provided by the Attorney-General's Chambers and the Ministry of Finance.
Organisation responsible for the website/database: Government of Timor - Leste
Nature: Official website of the Government
Description of the site: This governmental portal provides access to the Constitution in different language versions and to the sites of different ministries, the president of the Republic and the Parliament.
Last update: July 2024