About the national database

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This portal provides professionals and general public with electronic access to applicable law and all the relevant information regarding law. It provides lawmakers with effective legislative tools too.

The portal also enables the public to acquaint itself with proposed bills and take an active role in the law-making process using commenting tools. One of the greatest advantages of the system, however, is publishing of set versions of legal enactments. This permits its users to get easily familiar with numerous changes and amendments. Moreover, this system allows one to display, print or otherwise process the content of a legal enactment in its subsequently amended forms.  

Legal instruments

The portal includes the following modules:

  • e-Collection – an electronic version of the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic with electronically signed PDF versions of legal acts with legally binding content; it also comprises an archive with a compressed file of the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic since 1918
  • e-Legislation – its primary function is to provide users with access to the law-making process during all stages from preparation to publication in the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic
  • Slovak Law Thesaurus – a dictionary of legal terms as used in the law system of the Slovak Republic
  • EU Law - allows its users to search for or browse EU legislation
  • Implementing Regulations – provides measures enacted by ministries and other central public administration offices
  • Departmental collections – collections issued by selected ministries
  • The case-law of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic and the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic
  • Delivered judgements and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights
  • Decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union
  • Decisions of Slovak general courts