About the national database

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The search functionality made available on the website of the National Legislation Database (http://njt.hu) is provided to the public free of charge in order to promote access to Hungarian legislation.

Content and services available from the National Legislation Database are provided by Magyar Közlöny Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft. (Hungarian Official Journal Publisher).

English translations of laws specified by the minister responsible for justice are also available from the National Legislation Database.

Key terms used in Hungarian legislation are available in Hungarian and English from the terminology database of the Ministry of Justice of Hungary.

Main types of laws and public law regulatory instruments

Alaptörvény (Fundamental Law): the highest level legal norm governing Hungary’s legal system, it defines the basic rights and obligations of citizens, and establishes the main rules for the state structure. No measure of any other norm may contradict the Fundamental Law.

Törvény (Act): the second highest level legal norm. Rights and obligations to be governed by Acts are defined by the Fundamental Law. Acts may only be adopted, amended or repealed by the National Assembly.

Rendelet (Decree): a law based on, or executing provisions of, higher level legal norms. Decrees have the force of law as they are adopted under authorization granted by higher level laws.

Határozat (Normative Decision): is a public law regulatory instrument adopted e.g. by the National Assembly, the Government or another collegiate organ of central state administration as well as local governments to regulate their organisation, operation, activities and action plans.

Utasítás (Normative Instruction): is a public law regulatory instruments issued by the heads of the administrative organisations of e.g. the National Assembly, ministries, independent regulatory organs and shall be binding upon the personnel of the respective organs.