About the national database

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Journal officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Luxembourg's official online-law website, provides access to national legislation published in the 3 series of Luxembourg's legal gazette, the Mémorial.

The site is divided into 3 sections, which mirror the Mémorial's 3 series.

  • Legislation (Series A)
    Legislative and regulatory instruments since 1839.
    Documents published under the heading of “textes coordonnés” (consolidated versions of legislation in force in codified or compendium form).
  • Administration (Series B)
    Administrative instruments, circulars, opinions and lists since 1996.
  • Companies and associations (Series C)
    Notices concerning companies, associations and non‑profit foundations since 1996.
    References to all compulsory notices since 1962 concerning companies and associations operating in Luxemburg.

Legal acts

Mémorial , series A

Legislative and regulatory instruments (laws, ministerial and other regulations, etc.)

Textes coordonnés (coordinated texts)

Consolidated versions of current legislation including legislative codes and compilations, excerpts from the Mémorial series A, compendia of legislation and other publications.

Codes-lois (legislative codes)

  • civil code
  • code of criminal procedure
  • commercial code
  • highway code
  • social-security code
  • code of civil procedure
  • labour code
  • penal code.

Codes-compilations (legislative compilations)

  • administrative code
  • environment code
  • national education code
  • health code
  • compendium of special laws.

The compilations consolidate all legislative and regulatory texts in a particular field, but are not authoritative: they cannot be used in court.

Recueils de législation (compendia of legislation)

Brochures containing consolidated legislative and regulatory texts and a selection of case law on specific subjects.

Autres publications (other publications)

Publications explaining legislative and regulatory procedures, the non‑contentious administrative procedure and regulations governing state officials. There is also an English translation of the "law concerning commercial companies".